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Safran Vectronix Rangefinders

Safran Vectronix rangefinders are hardest working rangefinding devices having a wide array of functional ranges, enhancing your ability to observe and locate targets easily. You can use state-of-the-art optronic equipment for the military as well as civilian applications. The Laser Rangefinders are for professional use. These essential military equipment are meant for use by armed forces or special units. You can precisely hit the target in critical situations. The product range includes extremely lightweight rangefinders that can either be handheld or mounted on sturdy weapons/vehicles/helmets.
Three family of Safran Vectronix rangefinding devices -

  • Pocket Laser Rangefinder (PLRF25C)
The Pocket Laser Range Finder (PLRF) series are lightweight rangefinders, perfect for shooters, observers, marksmen, and others. These rangefinders enable you to measure range over 6,000 meters and accurate angle measurements. The PLRF rangefinder series offers optional Bluetooth connectivity.
  • VECTOR Family
This rangefinder device range enhances mobility, agility, and operational readiness. Main features of VECTOR family rangefinders include 7x magnification, 42mm objective lens diameter, Digital Magnetic Compass (DMC), and Class I eye-safe lasers.
  • Terrapin X
This new series of rangefinders is the successor of proven Terrapin rangefinder series. Safran Vectronix rangefinders come with over 3,000 yards rangefinding capabilities, eye-safe laser, and competitive price-point.

Benefits -
  • Latest fiber laser technology is used so that the repetition rate goes up.
  • It's a top performing device, available at lightweight.
  • They are highly shock resistant, extremely tough, and reliable.
  • Integration with other systems (either existing or new)
  • Comes with eye-safe Class 1 laser and can be used in any operation.
  • Suitable for long distances.
Have a closer look at Safran Vectronix rangefinders.

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