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Taser Professional Series

Taser Professional Series offers exactly the knock down power required for self-defense and expected from a top quality knock down device. The products can be used by law enforcement and are also legal for use by everyday civilians who wish to enhance their home or personal protection plans. Taser Professional Series is inclusive of Taser X2 Professional Series Laser Stun Gun, Taser X26P Professional Series Laser Stun Gun, Taser Performance Power Magazine, Taser Tactical Performance Power Magazine, CAM HD recorder, Cam HD USB Download Kit, replacement battery, holster, etc. Select the Taser product you require for self defence and be safe and alert, always.

Taser Requirements
Taser products may not be shipped to customers in Washington DC, NY, NJ, MA, RI, or HI. Customers in IL, MD, and MN must have Taser products shipped to an FFL for transfer. Purchaser must be 18 or older. Please see our shipping policy for details on purchasing Taser products.

Tasers are not considered a firearm and are legal for sale in 45 States. The states where tasers are not legal and the hand full of states that have laws governing their ownership are listed below.


  • A background check is required for sales in California and Florida.
  • A license to carry is required in Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan.
  • Tasers are not legal for ownership in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Hawaii.

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Customer Spotlight: Jon G