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Elcan Scopes

Elcan Riflescopes Sale!
Save Up To $1,048 on Select Elcan Riflescopes
*Limited Time Only.

Elcan Scopes

Raytheon ELCAN Optical Technologies is the mission leader with a complete range of battle-tested, premium quality sighting systems including thermal imaging (IR), digital, and multi-role optical rifle sights. Raytheon ELCAN has been making advanced sighting systems since 1986 and is committed to ongoing product development to meet specific customer needs and changing operational requirements.

The defining characteristics of Elcan Specter Dr sights are ruggedness, superior optical performance and unique capabilities. Hundreds of thousands of optical sights by ELCAN Optical Technology are deployed with elite fighting forces around the world as their standard issue sight for small arms. The Elcan SpecterDR is recognized by military marksmen as being the easiest, most accurate small arms targeting system in the world and is preferred for operational simplicity, rugged performance and precision optics.

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Customer Spotlight: Jon G